Turning location data into actionable information


energiemap manual

You need to select c.100-150 properties for whole house retrofit from a housing stock of 20,000. Energiemap can help.

What is Energiemap?

Energiemap is a ground-breaking mapping tool that enables housing providers to identify appropriate building archetypes, and shortlist specific addresses, for whole house retrofit as part of an Energiesprong project. It also helps prioritise tenant engagement and installations.

How does it work?

Combining data from multiple sources (see below), Energiemap facilitates stock analysis and selection by allowing users to review housing stock with supporting, contextual information, including:

  • Archetypes across the Local Authority

  • Tenure of the Housing Stock (Leaseholder / Freeholder)

  • Pepper-potting (Ownership of full terrace / block)

  • Estimated Gas / Electricity use (Postcode)

  • Deprivation in the local area (LSOA)

  • Planning Conservation areas.

What does the tool include?

From fully navigable maps with editable layers to downloadable datasets, Energiemap provides you with the information you need to make the right decisions about home to retrofit. For more information about how to use the map, see the manual below.

If you find any bugs or errors while using the map, please let us know – all feedback helps us make the mapping tool work even better for you!

How was this tool developed?

The data in this web-map is provided in support of the GLA's Retrofit Accelerator, which aims to transform the way London retrofits its ageing and energy-inefficient housing to create warm, affordable and ultra-low carbon homes.

It is part of the Mayor’s Energy for Londoners programme and funded on a 50:50 basis by the Mayor of London and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The delivery partners, led by global professional services company Turner & Townsend, include the pioneering Energiesprong UK, PA Consulting and the Carbon Trust.

Permitted use of datasets

The data in this web-map is provided in support of the GLA's Retrofit Accelerator. The GLA has sub-licenced these to your organisation to deliver the retrofit accelerator. Each dataset its own specific licence, some are open, and require no action, some are Premium Ordnance Survey (OS) datasets which public sector bodies will already have access to under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA).

However, there are some, particularly the Geomni UK Buildings and Land Registry data, that Local Authorities and other Housing Providers are less likely to hold licences for. You will have already been asked to email GIS@london.gov.uk to confirm that you will use them only for this project but if you haven't, please get in touch with them immediately.

If you are interested in using the data and maps for other purposes, you will need to get approval from the GLA. If the GLA is funding this other project, then the request will likely be approved. If the GLA is not funding the project, then you will need to investigate further whether you need to purchase the licences directly with the data owners. If you want to check if your project is supported by the GLA please email Sarah.Fletcher@london.gov.uk.


Use this form to

Feedback on any aspect of the usability and functionality of the web-map and spreadsheet.

Why provide feedback?

The feedback you provide leads directly to improvements and upgrades in Energiemap.

Other ways to report bugs

If you find errors / bugs please Use Snipping tool (standard Windows software) to take a 'screenshot' of the issue (and annotate the image if you want).

In order for us to replicate the error and fix it, please also try to write down the steps you took that led to error.

Email any notes and screenshots to info@maplango.com with Subject 'Energiemap bug’